Professional Business Facilitation

Sand Dune Productions

Design Your Business


Helping Businesses Transform Since 2010

Based in Rochester, NY, Sand Dune Productions has engaged with businesses in healthcare, financial services, non-profit, aerospace, transportation and others. Sand Dune brings all of the necessary components to the table to define your business strategy, create your transformation plan and everything you need to implement.

It’s a big challenge for a company that wishes to transform to find a partner who can help without calling in the cavalry. Before you know it, you’ll have dozens of consultants looking for desk space in your office. They are managed by ever more expensive partners. Sand Dune brings a multi-disciplinary approach that gets the job done without the army of consultants.

“Sand Dune’s PHENOMENAL and ENTHUSIASTIC leadership has truly helped transform our practice into a modern, patient centered practice. I would highly recommend their expertise.”

- Dr. Adnaan Sheriff, Amherst Medical Associates

Principal Consultant

Sandy Kleinberg is a business facilitator with more than 20 years of experience.

Sandy Kleinberg is a business facilitator with more than 20 years of experience.

SJ Kleinberg is an expert at helping organizations transform

Areas of Practice

Strategic and Initiative planning

If your organization is new, thinking about annual strategic planning, affiliations or business transformation, you will benefit from a clear strategy and a thoughtful initiative plan and business analysis.  Your board will thank you for providing a direction and easy decision.

Vendor Selection

If you are planning to purchase a software application for your organization, make sure you select the right software and the right vendor for your organization. 

Software Requirements

In today's day and age, every strategic initiative will result in changes to software applications.  It's very easy to throw technology at an issue, but this is a typical mistake.  We can help you define exactly what the software must do and how it must perform to support your users.

Initiative execution

Once you have a strategic initiative defined, make sure your roadmaps and business plans are kept up-to-date, your strategy will be accomplished and the basis for your decisions are in-tact.

Business process management

No matter its size, every non-profit utilizes business processes, even if they are not documented.  Business Process isn't just about becoming more efficient, it's also about applying your precious resources to fulfill your mission.  If you are going through an affiliation, this is a must.


We must all obey the great law of change. It is the most powerful law of nature.
— Edmund Burke


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